5 Animals Qigong - Year Long Program

Located Online Via Google Meet

Year Long Course

January 2024 - December 2024

Tuesdays 8am - 9am

Tuition is $1500 for the year; $125/month

The 5 Animal Qigong is one of the oldest and most ancient qigong forms in traditional Chinese medicine. The 5 animals are Tiger, Deer, Bear, Ape, and Bird. Tiger is vigorous and vital feeling, it helps us expand and excite our energies. Deer works the kidney and inspires long, gentle, twisting and stretching movements that help to squeeze and release the lower back and the kidneys. Bear is powerful but peaceful. Ape firey and fun. Bird is graceful and relaxing. We learn to imitate the movements, strategies and energies of animals in order realign ourselves with nature and its cycles, move the body in a relaxed and open way, and improve our qi, breath, and blood circulation throughout the body.

Some of the Benefits of 5 Animals Qigong

  • aids respiration and general lung health

  • heart health and blood circulation

  • cultivates liver health

  • helps generate suppleness and flexibility in the connective tissue and joints

  • digestive health

  • supports kidney function

  • spine mobility

  • muscle strength

  • emotional health

  • mental clarity

  • helps relieve fatigue, nervousness and anxiety

What you can expect in class

During each class, we’ll spend time warming up and loosening our bodies, followed by standing meditation to gain deeper self awareness and to develop the internal structure and strength needed for health and wellbeing.

We’ll then shift into working with animal qigong movements and energies, exploring the fundamental principles and methods of qi circulation and cultivation as they manifest in the postures.

Students will also receive energetic assistance during each class. This means that I work with your energy field to balance, protect and amplify your energies. This helps you flow with a higher level of energy (Qi) and also helps make this subtle field less subtle so that you can integrate the techniques and methods more effortlessly into your everyday life. It’s two hours of bonus energy work each week!

This Program Focuses On

  • Developing stable physical structure and alignment

  • Stabilizing and developing better balance

  • Facilitating release of tension

  • Identifying and harmonizing blockages

  • Developing and expanding your sensitivity and awareness of energy (Qi)

  • Zhan Zhuang (Standing Meditation)

  • 5 Animals Qigong


Class is held on Tuesdays from 8am - 9am.

Tentative dates are as follows:

The Deer

January -

February -

March -

The Tiger

March -

April -

May -

The Bear and The Ape

June -

July -

August -

September -

The Bird

October -

November -

December -

How to enroll

We're currently accepting applications for 5 Animals Medical Qigong - Year Long Program

The registration window ends December 20th at 11:59pm.

Space is limited. Learn more about what’s required for the Application Process.

If you’d like to enroll, please click on the button below.

After your application has been reviewed, you’ll be contacted about next steps.


Tuition is $1500 for the year; you have the option to pay in monthly installments ($125 per month).

Monthly tuition payments can be made in person with cash or a check and are due on the first class of the month.


I don’t want money to be a major hindrance or road block to you being able to grow and deepen your Tai Chi experience.

With this in mind, I’m also offering a scholarship rate for the full course.

If you’re able to pay the full rate, I strongly encourage you to do so as it supports me, the growth of the studio, and the development of our Tai Chi curriculum and teaching tools in general.

If this scholarship rate is still too much of a burden to your financial life, please feel free to contact me and we can discuss further sliding scale rates and perhaps you can assist in other non-monetary ways.

Scholarship tuition is $1200 for the year; you have the option to pay in monthly installments due at the first class of the month ($100 per month).